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Kategori: English

Automation, Contractualitation and Nike Withdrawl From Indonesia?

“For many years, I’m willing to start off my work early. I begin at 6 AM even though our work hour starts at 7 AM,” N said, a 41 years old woman. It has been nineteen years since N worked at Kaho 2, Inc. Bekasi West Java. “What is the feedback from the company?!,” N […]

Actors and Issues in the ‘Bela Islam’ Mass Action

Twenty factory workers from North Jakarta joined the November 4, 2016 action in Jakarta.  As Muslims, they felt “called” by the posters they had received through facebook and whatsapp, appealing for jihad.  They had been frequent participants in workers demonstrations but this time they were witnessing something different.  Not only were there endless lines of […]

ILO, Global Production Process, and International Solidarity

ILO, Global Production Process, and International Solidarity

Labor union delegations were not too happy  about the 105th International Labour Conference International Labour Organization (ILC ILO) recommendation. The conference did not recommend a legally binding international labour standard on global supply chain practices. ILC ILO is an annual event. ILC is the highest body that formulates program guide and elects ILO governing body. […]